Submit your SCAN contracting request below.

Submit your SCAN contracting request below.

We are excited to assist you on your journey to developing a successful Medicare business…

Here are a few things you will need in order to get started:

1. An email address.

2 AHIP Certification (once you finish your electronic contracting you may complete AHIP inside SCAN agent portal at a discounted rate.)

3. A copy of your current State issued insurance license. 

"you will need license number for next step"

 (Download your California license here)

4. A copy of your current E&O insurance     

 (if you need E&O you can purchase it by clicking here)

5. Your National Producer Number

"you will need your NPN for the next step"

 (NPN lookup here)

If you have any questions please contact or contracting department at 760-407-6229 ext:4 or submit your inquiry to